The property is located close to the town of Almadén, in the southwest of the province of Ciudad Real, just where Extremaduran, Andalusian and Castellano-Manchega lands come together.

Sierra Morena, Cabañeros, Valle de Alcudia and Daimiel are places close for birds. Not only we will be able to watch some of the birds species present in these areas, but they are sometimes the same individuals, thing we know from the work of ornithologists, that mark certain individuals.



The individuals of many species are ten of thousands, from passerines to large soaring birds,  fleeing from the harshness of the European winter to spend it in the areas of wintering of Africa lands. The vast majority fly to Africa through the Strait of Gibraltar. Castilseras is located in the heart of “Migratory Highway”. Looking at the sky during the migration dates (late winter and late summer) will bring us even more surprises…  Huge troops of Honey Buzzards, Storks, Egyptian Voltures, Harriers and Short-toed Eagles… will pass over our heads.

Many species also choose to spend winter in these lands and we will only enjoy their company in their wintering season. Some of these species are birds as known as Cranes, linked to the nature signs that show us the passage of time. Cranes use meadows as an essential resource to spend winter, acorns amongst other seeds and small invertebrates are their winter diet.

This location provides a privileged spot to enjoy, to observe and to photograph some of the ecosystems, animal and plant species from one of the most unique European natural environment: meadows, as well as mountains ranges and water courses.

Rare or endangered birds in Europe can be easily seen in this environment, as the Black Vulture, the Bonelli’s Eagle, the Iberian Magpie, the Spanish Imperial Eagle, the Spanish Sparrow, the Black Stork, the Black-shouldered Kite, the Black-bellied Sandgrouse and a long etcetera.

You will not only  find many species of birds in Castilseras, but also mammals, amphibians, reptiles, butterflies, flowers, trees. You will discover unique and varied geological formations in a special environment. What makes these lands special comes from ancient times, when our ancestors discovered here a special mineral that allowed them multiple uses, from cave painting to improving the extraction of silver in other places. This mineral is cinnabar, from where you get mercury. It is worth highlighting that one third of all this element, used by mankind in its entire history, comes from Almadén surroundings. Sealed bottles with this mineral arrived to Rome. That is why its current name, coming from a clear Arabic root, Almadén, means “the mine”.



With this web we want to contribute to the discovery and enjoyment of these natural values, to respect and to appreciate this territory through the beings that inhabit it, its observation and the tourism promotion of the rural environment linked to experiences and traditional uses. It is a priority that all these activities are carried out within the framework of recommendations and best practices for the observation. The observation and the enjoyment of nature is an activity that has to be made with respect and common sense. The visit and activities should never have a negative impact on these landscapes and its inhabitants, from the totemic oaks of the meadows to the modest beetles that work hard to recycle cattle droppings.

Binoculars or a spotting scope will allow us to enjoy even more the fauna of the Castilseras environment. Current and versatile cameras or the technical ones, like digiscoping, will allow us to obtain wonderful pictures without hardly disturbing any of the inhabitants. All activities will be carried out according to the guidelines of the property guides, who know better than anyone the dates and peculiarities of all and each one of the inhabitants, feathered, furry or scaly ones.

Come closer to wildlife photography!

Suitable for everybody. Capture with your camera or your cell phone incredible landscapes or beautiful butterflies. If you want to go further and you are willing to spend hours waiting for the birds to get closer, in Castilseras you have photographic hides available, from where you can take amazing photographs of birds and mammals species that haunt these lands.